Vulcan RDA from Japan

Vulcan RDA

Vulcan RDA

The Vulcan RDA is available for $59.99

The Vulcan RDA is one of the latest of some really innovative rebuilable dripping atomizers that have come out recently. This is the first I’ve seen coming out of Japan and it is astonishingly innovative in terms of design and performance.

At first site, it looks kind of like a double Tobh. This intrigued me as the Tobh is one of my favorites. They certainly borrowed the “fin” concept, but as we’ll see when we break it down, the fins ad as much function as they do form. This is a really interesting RDA. AND its affordable so kudos for one of the first Japanese imports in the vape world.

The Vulcan also comes housed in a fitted plastic case. The cases design even mimics the Vulcan – this is really cool. Its also nice to have a nice way to store your Vulcan when not in use.

I have to say I’m pretty impressed with this device. Every attention to detail is there – its really nice. In fact, I think the price point is really low on this as it rivals some of the most expensive RDA’s on the market in terms of design, build quality and performance. The Vulcan really delivers.

Vulcan RDA

Vulcan RDA Deck

Design of the Vulcan RDA

As mentioned earlier, the Vulcan is like a double Tobh in some ways. The fins are quite obvious and they actually server a formal purpose of cooling the RDA. This is not only visually stunning, but it keeps the RDA from getting too hot. This is a really nice design choice.

The engraving on this RDA is possibly the nicest I’ve seen. Its clean and impressively machined. Both sides of the Vulcan feature the clean logo with a nice cutout around the capitol “V”. These “V”s act as the airflow holes. Though they are not adjustable, they are cool. Really nice touch and attention to detail. The bottom of the RDA features some Japanese and English writing giving you the year 2014, the number and “US exclusive”.

The inside of the Vulcan RDA is really interesting as well. The device comes apart in 3 pieces – the deck, middle sleeve and top cap.

1) The deck
The deck is quite different than any conventional RDA. The Vulcan has the cooling fins as you see on the Tobh right on the base. This keeps the device from getting too hot. The deck features the standard 3 post configuration (1 positive, 2 negative posts), and the 2 negative posts are part of the deck ensuring maximum connectivity. What’s unusual also about the deck is that the posts sit pretty high. This allows for a deep juice well and better airflow because the wicks will sit well below where the air holes are. Each post uses a brass thumb screw to tighten down on to your leads. That’s right – no screws. This might be an issue if you have big fingers, but the posts are far enough apart. The deck utilizes 2 o-rings to fit on the middle sleeve.

2) The middle sleeve
The middle sleeve fits over the deck of the Vulcan RDA. Its pretty minimal in terms of design. As I mentioned, the air-holes fit right around the “V” in the logo on each side (there are 2). You don’t really even notice them which is slick. The downside is that there is no adjustability of airflow. Its loose enough to be comfortable, but this means you’ll need to find the sweet spot for your ohm resistance when rolling the coil. I like it, but if you’re an extreme sub-ohm vaper, you might find this limiting. Interestingly enough… the Vulcan RDA IS comparable with the Tobh. I haven’t combined the two yet, but it is possible.

3) The top cap
The top cap features the cooling fins as well. It is conical on the interior which is what you want for perfect vapor production. The top cap accommodates just about any standard drip tip.

The Vulcan is finished off with a red copper, adjustable center pin in the 510 connection for excellent connectivity and punch.


The Vulcan is a solid performer. The vapor production and the flavor are both top notch. I have no regrets having spent my own, hard-earned cash on this. Its quite impressive actually.

My only complaints would be 2 things and they are really minor. They need to find a way to incorporate adjustable air flow in the next version. There’s got to be a cool way to do it with the same logo concept. I’m just afraid extreme sub-ohm vapers will find this a problem. But for those folks, there’s always the Tobh.

The other thing is the thumb screws in the posts. You can of course replace these with standard philips head screws, but I’d like the option of at least a flat head slot to do the tightening.

However, note that these are really nit-picky complaints. This is a really solid RDA at a really REALLY good price. This is definitely a player in terms of value – I seriously think they priced this one low.

I hope this is the start of exiting things coming out of Japan. Get one and experience this for yourself – you’ll be really glad you did!

The Vulcan RDA is available for $59.99

Also check out the Storm RDA V2


  1. says

    Hello, thank you for an amazing and truely honest review on our atomizer. The Vulcan ships with 3 sets of post screws and I’d like to inform that even though the connection 510 copper pins does adjust ever so slightly. I reccomend to keep it snug and not over tighten. Over-tighten over time will cost the copper screw to snap.

    Thank you again for such an amazing review


    Sitt Jun

  2. Mike Manthe says

    Great review. I picked mine up a couple weeks ago from my local B&M and I can attest to the fact that this RDA is as well built, featured and performs as good (in some cases better) than RDAs that I paid almost twice as much for!

    Re. the knurled brass screws – did yours not come with the other 2 sets of post screws? Mine came with the ‘standard’ knurled brass as well as a set of similar knurled SS screws AND a set of SS hex screws (along with a full set of replacement o-rings.

    ALSO – there is a ‘sort-of’ option for airflow control – using the raised area by each negative post – you can twist the center barrel and gradually block off the holes around the ‘V’. As long as you keep your coils near those posts, that method of AFC actually works pretty well.

  3. Etchie says

    Mike Manthe is correct on this, I bought mine a couple days ago and that method works well (though I don’t use the method because the airflow is perfect for me). I thought I might also mention that the Tobh sleeve will fit on this if you like the Vulcan deck better. Same goes for the caps, obviously. It’s all interchangeable. That’s just what I hear though. I don’t have a TOBH and I haven’t seen this first hand. This is why those drip caps are available so quickly for the Vulcan.

  4. Kyle says

    Can anyone point me in the direction on where to get replacement top caps for this rda? Thank you.

  5. joshua brothers says

    I bought the Vulcan 1month ago from a local vap shop and called them back today about the copper pins for the post and they tell me they don’t have any so I am upset that their is no extra screws that comes with the Vulcan so please if anyone can give me and idea were to get screws for it